11 September 2012

Wordfilled Wednesday: Pretty Boy w/LINKY

     Every Friday my parents each take one of my children to spend the night with them. We have a rotation that I can never remember, but that's ok because the kids do that keeps everything fair. The biggest benefit to all of this is that each child gets some very valuable one-on-one time with either me and the Hubby, Nana or Papa and the Hubby and I get to experience the singleton parenting experience. And for those of you with one kid, you have nothing to gripe about... seriously.

     This past Friday was Logan's turn with Nana. She got off way easy this week because Logan is a sweet child that never shuts up causes anyone any trouble when he's alone. Well, Nana and I share a jewelry obsession and we have extensive collections. And it just so happened that Nana got some new baubles recently. Logan inherited our love of shiny things so Nana decided to show him her latest acquisitions. As a result, I was texted a couple of great pictures.

I think he put on the entire contents of Nana's jewelry box.
He said, "Don't I look pretty, Mommy?" And I think he does.

A close up of his "loot".
Here are a couple of my favorite WW posts from last week.

I laughed at the carrot legs over at Home of OHM.
There was beautiful mountain scenery at Musing From a SAHM.
Beautiful, chubby babies in swimsuits at Mama T and Baby E.
And windmills, drinks and a possibly a rabid bear at Stop! She's Got A Camera!

Peace Out!

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