18 December 2012

WW w/LINKY: Healing Through Laughter

     I sent my boys to school on Monday, (Myriam was home sick.) not without difficulty. Even though I know and hope that we're safely ensconced here in Podunk, Kansas I can't help but think, what if. Even though it would've been easier to sit here and pretend the events of last week didn't occur, I'm not certain that's what I should do.
     As a person of faith I try to seek God's purpose in this tragedy. As a human, I rail against a god that didn't raise a hand to stop it. I've resigned myself that I will never understand why this happened but as I sat there nursing one sick child and waiting for two others to return home to me, I couldn't help but think about how I would want others to act if the situation was reversed. My hope is that they would learn to hold their children closer, love a little fiercer but most of all remember that joy is where you find it. So in that spirit, I offer you a few moments in the lives of my children that have brought me joy. May we all find healing through our laughter.

*My heart and prayers go out to Newton, CT. May you find healing and hope. 

My Top 3
  • Three Loud Kids' picture of a weenie dog sleeping. That dog reminded me of my late weenie, Rufus.
  • My Inner Red Head's photo of what results from the "Happiest Place On Earth". 
  • A Geek In Glasses' creepy family photos (that I didn't think were creepy at all).
  • And my favorite of the week: Ramblings From Utopia's holiday window shopping! These photos are amazing and the heart bokeh makes me drool!
I know that was four but ya'll keep upping the ante and that means it's really hard for me to decide.

Peace Out!

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