23 October 2012

Random Thoughts: Sick Kids

     My son has been home with a high fever and cough for three days. He doesn't act that sick but the fever gets scary when it jumps above 102. And just when he gets over it, Myriam wakes me up at 4:30 in the morning to inform that she's "hot". Yup! Sick kiddo number two. To add insult to injury the Hubby has been out of town on business for the past week (and will be for another one).
     So the following is a collection of random thoughts that have gone through my sleep deprived head while I've been caring for my sick kids. I hope you can get a giggle at my expense.

How pathetic is this face? (The scratch on his face was from the dog.)

Random Thoughts About Having Sick Children

  • Why does the Hubby ALWAYS miss the fun? Never once have I gone out of town.... (I guess I could just stop that comment there.)
  • Sleeping on the couch was a hell of a lot more fun when I was a kid; now it's just a painful experience.
  • To the makers of 5 Hour Energy: I need you to do better. It's obvious to me that you are only targeting SWOC (Single WithOut Children) people because I need ALL Day Energy! You know, somewhere around the 14 hour mark? Get on it!
  • After three days of not showering, I think it would have been more effective to throw myself on a rock to beat that funk off....
  • After this illness runs its course, I am officially BURNING all of the "Buddy Movies". I'm also considering going all Cruella DeVille on every golden retriever I see.
  • Speaking of movies, how is possible that my son can judge a Redbox movie by the plain, grey front of the disc and know instantly that the movie is going to suck--and be right?
  • Wrestling an autistic child, who is hell bent on NOT taking her medications should be considered my aerobic workout for the year.

Many thanks to my Mom and many friends that called, helped out, dropped stuff off, and ran errands for us while the kids had me chained to the house.

Peace Out!
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