15 October 2012

Meditation Monday: My Town (The Band's Electric Light Show)

     Sunday evening was one of my favorite events, that takes place here in Podunk. It was the high school band's annual Electric Light Show! All of the band kids decorate their uniforms with strings of Christmas lights and perform their competition routine in the dark for everyone to enjoy. And at the end they shoot off fireworks. Since having the children we have only missed this event once--it's a family tradition that we look forward to each fall.

    Well it's Monday again. It's time to take a second for yourself! So take a few deep breaths, find your inner calm--if necessary lock the kids in their closets. Enjoy!

I don't really have the right setup to shoot this show. Meaning I'm sans tripod and usually have a couple of kids hanging off me while I'm trying to snap photos but even so I thought this one turned out nice. 

     The show was wonderful. Like I said, the whole family looks forward to this every year. Way to go Wildcats!

Peace Out!
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