Hi and welcome to my blog. I really think parents need to lighten up; I mean, if parenting was meant to be a serious endeavor they'd offer classes! Oh, wait....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Revenge of the Robin

       I'm sure that just like me, you had a lot planned for this holiday weekend.  Certainly barbecues, fireworks and time with friends and family topped our list of not to be missed events.  Unfortunately, (long, dramatic, sigh) our plans were dashed before they were even finalized.  It started off well enough. My holiday weekend started on Thursday.  My parents volunteered to watch the kids, OVERNIGHT so that the Hubby and I could have a date night.  We saw a movie and ate at our formerly favorite "gourmet burger" chain. Yum! The movie, The Green Lantern was pretty good--I mean Ryan Reynolds running around in mostly body paint? Can you say, Yum? My Hubby got off  work early so that we could go to an early movie and get home early so that I could prep for an interview (my local newspaper interviewed me for a story about Mommy/Bloggers) that I had slated for the next day.  Sounds like a great start, right? Well, I thought so too!

       Unfortunately my weekend took a turn for the worse as soon as I woke up on Friday.  The moment I swung my feet around to meet the floor my stomach decided to do a flip, followed very quickly by a flop.  Yum? This was a feeling that I really hadn't experienced since I was pregnant with my boys.  (I spent 32 weeks of my 34 week pregnancy with my head firmly in a toilet, trash can or any other appropriate receptacle.) Nerves, just nerves! That's what I tried to tell myself as I plastered my head to the cold, cold porcelain of the commode. After muttering a quick prayer to a God with an overblown sense of humor, I picked myself up off the floor and began the beginnings of my normal day. On the docket for today was a vet appointment for Mongo and then my interview with the newspaper. 
      Thankfully, my prayer found God's ears! I held it together for my interview. And as soon as the reporter left I did the butt-cheek-clenched-5-yard-dash down my hallway. My hubby called around that time telling me he was heading home from work because he too was "ill" and that's when the connection was made! Our juicy "gourmet" burger had poisoned us! YUMMM!
       The rest of this long weekend is kind of a blur. Most of it was spent fighting the Hubby for equal time in our ONLY bathroom and trying to find the energy to feed the children before they turned cannibal. So no barbecue for us. No parties. No celebrations. We did sneak in a parade on Monday and we did watch the fireworks last night as well--two frivolities I'm paying dearly for today.  If I can stay out of the bathroom for longer than a couple of minutes at a time you might hear more about our weekend.  I'm not holding my breath.... 

So how was your holiday weekend?  Tell me the barbecue was good.... 
Ew...gotta go....

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